总部在海外的瞭望西藏网指,包围阿霸县格登寺的武警前晚入寺抓捕僧人,至昨日早晨至少 300多名僧人被抓,下落不明。昨日,格登寺外还有大批军警车辆停留,藏民忧当局將抓捕更多僧人。
阿壩格登寺喇嘛彭措今年 3月 16日抗议中共镇压藏人自焚身亡,引发僧侶抗议,军警出动包围寺庙,本月 19日寺方为彭措举行葬礼,僧侶抗议之声再度高涨,并将镇压视频传出,令中共十分被动。
Photographs of police build up after Phuntsog's self-immolation and photos of his funeral
Plain-clothed police carrying wooden and iron sticks
16 March 2011, People's Armed Police march on Ying Xiong Avenue near the main market in Ngaba Town around 5pm, just after protests took place following the self-immolation of Phuntsog.
16 March 2011, People's Armed Police march on Ying Xiong Avenue near the main market in Ngaba Town

Police car without a licence plate in Ngaba Town on 16 March

Checkpoint on the outskirts of Ngaba Town on 18 March

Checkpoint controlled by the army outside Kirti Monastery on 19 March
Phuntsog's Funeral at Kirti Monastery on 19 March

Phuntsog's funeral outside Kirti Monastery on 19 March

Phuntsog's funeral outside Kirti Monastery on 19 March

Lay people and monks walkin back to Kirti Monastery during Phuntsog's funeral
转自:Free Tibet: http://www.freetibet.org/newsmedia/photographs-depicting-immediate-aftermath-phuntsogs-self-immolation-and-funeral
火焰中,以身献祭的平措:两份口述,一些回忆…… http://woeser.middle-way.net/2011/03/blog-post_20.html
多维新闻网:中国否认阿坝格尔登寺被围 http://china.dwnews.com/news/2011-04-19/57631875.html
VOA:中国指美国有关警寺对峙之说事实有误 http://www.voanews.com/chinese/news/20110419-CHINA-US-MONASTERY--120214659.html
转载自《看不见的西藏》: http://woeser.middle-way.net/2011/04/blog-post_20.html